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AJ's Blog

Posts in communication
Dating after Separation

Many people want to date after a separation but how soon is “too soon”? The answer to this question is a very personal one ~ what might appear reasonable to person A may be downright scandalous to person B. Longing for companionship and support in what is often a very difficult time on many levels is very common. Again, each person seeks that human connection at a pace that is right for them. In case you are wondering, the law does not provide us with any rules as to when separated spouses can date. Religion often plays a role in the decision - many people choose not to date until they are divorced. Others date only once the exes have moved into separate residences.

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"How do I know my 16-year-old is still in school?"

Question: I am still paying child support for my 16 year old son. Someone just told me he is not in school any more and now working full-time. Am I entitled to know what he is doing? How do I find out?

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