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Posts in University Costs
University/College Costs - Child Support

Questions relating to this issue are quite common, and the answers are not always as straightforward as parents might expect. Here are the BASICS:

  1. University/college costs are what are called “section 7 expenses” - they are a form of child support under the Child Support Guidelines (both federal and provincial - see section 7 of those);

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"When do my child support payments end?" - Ontario

Here is a hypothetical about which we receive a lot of questions:

Question: “My son turned 18 nine months ago. I stopped making child support payments to my ex-wife based on our court order a month later because he is now 18. I just got a letter from the Family Responsibility Office that I have to pay up what I owe for the last 8 months and continue to pay on a monthly basis. But he is 18!!! His mother is also sending me emails that I "do not get it" and have to continue paying. Do I have to?

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